Wealthy Affiliate Review 2016 : Does It Work Or Is It A Scam

If you’re looking for a legitimate way to make money online without trying to qualify for online surveys or getting paid pennies for your efforts then this review on Wealthy Affiliate might be what you’ve been looking for.

When I carried out my initial investigation on Wealthy Affiliate, it was purely to see if the company was legit for a few friends of mine, however I didn’t imagine that I was going to make much or ANY money with them when I first got started, but as it turns out – I did.

And you can see from my screenshots below I am earning between $4000 – $6000 in monthly income with Wealthy Affiliate.

Here’s a screenshot of proof of payment where I received $4,082.50 of income from Wealthy Affiliate in November 2

Here’s another screenshot where I received $5,762.50 in December 2014

So if that’s anything to go by, Wealthy Affiliate is definitely legit and you do get paid as you can see from the pictures above.

Keep in mind that it was around the same time the previous year that I actually started the Wealthy Affiliate program, and only did it part-time (and I still do).

So imagine in a years time, what another $4 – $6K per month could do for you and your family, if you work this part-time. Sign up free here.

Believe me, a year will come and go so fast, and if you haven’t done anything new to change your current situation then you’ll be exactly where you are today, where ever that might be.

[ UPDATE – January 2016]

Now I know that the income shots I illustrated above was for the year 2014, and I just knew that someone was going to ask me if making money with Wealthy Affiliate is still valid 2016.

So in anticipation to that question, I took a couple of income screenshots towards the end of 2015, so as to make a comparison.

So here is Income proof of $6343.50 for December 2015.

And here’s income proof of $5,731.50 I received in January 2016 from Wealthy Affiliate.

What I hope to achieve in showing you income proof is that it is clear that money can be made with Wealthy Affiliate.

Which is to say that the business model works, and not just for a short period of time, but over the last 2+ years.

The significance being that most businesses fail the first two years.

And I hope you also understand that whilst I’m showing you my income proof … I’d prefer not to, simply because it’s kinda personal.

The same way it is if I asked you to show me your payslip.

But given the online money making scams out there, I feel that it’s a necessary illustration.

And I know it’s all well and good for me to say that I’m making money online, BUT what about other people …

Is anyone else making money in Wealthy Affiliate, or am I the ONLY one.

Well, I’m happy to say that I’m not the ONLY one making money in Wealthy Affiliate, as you can see from the pics below, and you’d be surprised at HOW many other people are making money too.

If you can follow simple instructions, and you have a computer or a laptop, then you can definitely earn money the same way I do in Wealthy Affiliate.

If you want to learn how to make a legitimate income online then simply fill in the form as shown below and sign up free.

You’ll get my guidance inside.
Join Me At Wealthy Affiliate

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be given instructions on what to do next.

NB: Be sure to complete your profile setup
What is Wealthy Affiliate?

Well, unlike most internet marketing products you find online, Wealthy Affiliate is more of an interactive community of entrepreneurs helping each other make money online.

Gosh that was a mouth full.

Point is – if you’re gonna have any chance of succeeding online, then you should get as much help as possible.

And I’m not talking about just any ol help, but help from top earners and industry experts and Millionaires.

What they have managed to create at Wealthy Affiliate is not only a “how to” series of lessons, but also lessons on how everything fits together.

Once you understand how things fit together then learning each component becomes a whole lot easier, because you understand the BIG picture.

Apart from that, they have (in my opinion) the best resource available when it comes to learning affiliate marketing and that is a community of people, helping people.

In fact, the training inside span further than just catering for the newbie marketer … there’s also some really good lessons for the immediate and advanced marketers too.

You’ll learn about
finding a niche market
how to perform effective keyword research
how to create a blog
what to put on your blog
where to get free pictures from for your blog …

and they even give you two free blogs to get started – whhaaat.

Plus a whole lot more … you’ll understand once you get inside.

You can actually sign up for a free account here and see what WA has to offer.

In fact that’s exactly what I would do, if I was serious about evaluating them for myself that way you’ll better understand the pros and cons as it applies to you.

If you join me here then you will get my personal assistance inside Wealthy Affiliate to help you make your first sale.

What are people saying about Wealthy Affiliate?

So why listen to me? And why were people asking me to help them make money online?

Because I earn a full-time living as an affiliate marketer, and have done so now for the past 10+ years.

So I sort of know a thing or two about making money online, which is why I know that Wealthy Affiliate will work for people who are serious about making a living online.

Here’s one of my latest income pic’s.

I show you this pic, not to brag, but to show you that it is possible to make money online.

You can also see how I got into affiliate marketing and generate tens of thousands of dollars here.
I’m NOT a guru …

Nor do I live in a multi-million dollar house or drive around in a Ferrari.

Nope, I live in a fairly modest house, two cars, two cats, with a wife and two kids.

You could kinda say that I’m an average guy, BUT I have always had dreams of working for myself and living life on my own terms, and NOT being dictated to by a J.O.B.

Case in point …

Do you still have to ask for permission to go on holiday?

Look I totally get it -there’s just somethings you have to do when you work for someone else.

Well, that’s that thing that I wanted to get away from.

Now – I go when I want, for as long as a want.

Do you have to commute long distances to work everyday?

Not me – I roll outta bed and walk to my office, which is just down the hallway. ( sometimes even before brushing my teeth – I know – gross).

Funny enough though, I get up early anyway, because I love what I do.

I love the freedom of what online marketing gives me.

Now, don’t get me wrong, although it might sound like I’m bragging, it’s the other way round – I am truely grateful that I am able to experience those simple things on a daily basis.

That’s For Real.

Wealthy Affiliate wasn’t around when I started my affiliate marketing journey, but if it was, then it would have made my life a lot easier, because the lessons taught inside the premium membership will save you a ton a time and money.

It means that you only have to concentrate on the things that work and not waste your valuable time doing the things that don’t work.
So does Wealthy Affiliate work?

With every new business opportunity online you have to assess the risk verses the reward. Wealthy Affiliate is no different.

So whats the risk of joining Wealthy Affiliate?

Well at the moment – it’s a big fat zero – why – because its free.

What’s the reward, ummm financial independence, freedom to do what you want, when you want, to become your own boss, to live the life of your dreams.

What if it doesn’t work?

Well, that’s really up to you … you have seen others succeed with Wealthy affiliate here, so why wouldn’t you?

My advice would be to just give it a go – for FREE.

Join me here and get started today

Here are the two things that will ensure you start your journey off right

1) Get together with like minded people that are willing to help you every step of the way

Well what can I say about this.

Kinda speaks for itself really … doesn’t it.

Listen, I NEVER got any real online success until I joined a community of like minded people, where we shared our experiences both good and bad and learnt from each other.

Doing it on your own is just too dam hard man.

There’s definitely power in a community, which is why forums exist.

But not just any community … a community that shares both your financial and personal aspirations to make money online.

Wealthy Affiliate has such a community, where participation and helping others is encouraged … and is available 24/7.

Which means no matter when you’re able to work on your online business, be it in the morning afternoon or evening there’s always help available.

I’m not talking email help either, where you have to wait for a reply 24 hours later, I’m talking about instant chat sessions. Which means that you will often get help within a few minutes of asking for it.

Trust me you’ll need help from time to time.

Everyone does – even me.

Cause like any business, there’s always gonna be road blocks and the community will help you to push through them.
2) A Proven Blueprint

Following a proven step by step plan of making money online will ensure that you will be successful – right?

The reality is – the only one that will ensure you will succeed is – YOU.

However, following a plan that WORKS, will get you there faster and a lot easier than doing it by yourself.

I mean time is precious, so why not spend what little you have on doing the things that works, instead of the many things that don’t work.

Kyle and Carson the product owners, have spend years perfecting their money making system, and over the years through trial and error broken down each step into an easy to understand course.

These are broken down into classrooms.

I haven’t seen as many success stories and testimonials in one place.
How To Get Started With Wealthy Affiliate

So if you’ve been sitting on the fence about getting started with Wealthy Affiliate, then I hope that I have given you enough insight into whether it would be the right fit for you.

Here’s the new deal with Wealthy Affiliate.
You can sign up for a free account here.

Once you have signed up, you can check it all out to see if it will work for you.
How to get the most out of your free membership.

Well I have discussed some of the biggest hurdles that you have to get over in affiliate marketing before you can start to make money online.

As you can see Wealthy Affiliate solves these problems, however, if you’re still not convinced then I urge you to try it out over the next 7 days. If it’s not for you then no worries.

I’m sure you’re gonna find out that WA is all that and a bag of chips.

You’ll be able to get your first website up and running (for FREE) within the first 7 days. From that point on, you can either continue to move your business forward and upgrade to the premium membership or stay with the free starter membership forever.

Totally up to you.

But listen, if or when you do become a premium member, I’ll get notification of it – that’s (if you signed up using a link on this website) and because of that, I want to ensure that all my peeps are fully supported.

And if you sign up within the first 7 days then you will be able to get a 59% discount on your first months premium membership.
Wanna Get Coaching From A Full-Time Affiliate Marketer?

I truly believe in the course content at Wealthy Affiliate or else I wouldn’t be a member.

Obviously, I don’t have the time to help everyone, but if you join using this link and decide to become a premium member then I will personally coach you towards your first sale.

Not sure how long I am gonna keep this offer open, come back tomorrow and I might have taken this webpage down. For real!

If you can’t decide now, then just sign up for free to lock-in my offer until you’re ready to become a premium member.


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